Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Discussion - Movie Review Example In color science and art, Seurat had great interest in dividing color into its components. Seurat understood that mixing colors would be imperative in producing natural colors. The idea of mixing colors relates to an optical mixture of technique that have the capability of producing original color of natural objects. Seurat achieved optical mixture by designing sketches that he finally used in painting the final picture. Sunday on La Grande Jatte art represents the impression of Seurat painting style. The art has an illusion of space through, which Seurat carefully manages between his objects in the art. Receding diagonal line within the art depicts illusion of space within Seurat paintings (Smarthistory 3:20). In addition, Seurat art represents classical, traditional painting with alternating shadows and light that gives the illusion of space. However, Seurat’s painting style represents ambiguity of class and time that existed in France. Ambiguity in Seurat’s painting of Sunday on La Grande Jatte was his idea to mix various social classes within the same art. Mixed class in the art results from the difference in quality of clothes (5:30). In addition, Seurat’s painting was different from what other artists believed in mainly due to his objects that never interacted within the art (Smarthistory 6:00). However, the classical and monumental nature of Seurat’s Sunday on La Grande Jatte painting received support from various artists and viewers. Sleuth discusses Van Gogh paintings, his life, and presumed madness in the art. The discussion presents Van Gogh’s art in three main parts. The first part of the discussion explores whether the art represents spontaneous product of madness. Van Gogh’s night landscape dates from 1889 when astronomy attracted enthusiasm. Spiral nature of the sky in Van Gogh’s starry night resembles a factual nebular as outlined in ancient

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